Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back to School, and all that entails

I swear, every year it's the same thing - twice as bad when you start the year with a heavy cold and fever, apparently. The first few days of school, I'm confused, apathetic, listless, and terrified for what all of this means. And then I get to the first straight-up journalism class, and it's like a bolt of lightning, and suddenly the year is not going to be long enough for all the badass stuff I'm going to do with it.

...unfortunately, enthusiasm about my major does not fix having a godawful head cold, so even though the fever is ebbing/nearly gone, my hearing is still wonky from my head being full of mucus, and my nose is chapped and bleeding because I've been blowing it all week, and my tongue is swollen where I've been accidentally biting it apparently? And I'm still in a room with a handful of people who don't seem to understand that a living space needs to be a retreat from the world, not a place to engage in it even more enthusiastically, so getting work done has been problematic. I'm trying to tell myself that the year is going to be better if I get all this stuff jumped on right away. Gotta get two articles written for the paper going out this Wednesday, plus track down three books ASAP for two classes, and then start pinning down financial aid stuff before it gets too late in the quarter...

but my body is going "now is time for huddle in bed and sniff miserably." So we'll see if I can get anything done anyway.

Went back to church during scripture study to drop off a few bags a friend had lent me, but she split immediately after the discussion had closed, without saying much. I'd be worried, but I know exactly what she was thinking - most of us, I'd guess, were thinking the same. The man who runs the group is crazy smart, knows more about ancient history (and non-ancient history) than you'd think possible, pulls out a new language seems like every week, and has a lot of really interesting thoughts about theology - coming from a Catholic seminary background, he often trades jibes about differing theologies with the rest of us non-Episcopalian-upbringing folks. This sounds like a recipe for an epic discussion group, doesn't it? And frequently it is! The problem is, there's a few people who are really good at going on, and on, and on for quite a ways, and they have a tendency to monopolize the floor for ten to twenty minutes at a time, not letting the group leader get a word in edgewise, and talking over him when he goes to speak up. I've been guilty of it as well; it's something I need to watch for, a behavior that can be really obnoxious - especially as, hypocritically, I notice it in others and not myself.

NaNoWriMo is coming up, and I'm excited. I'm writing about Crows. I have a world-ish, and a very sketchy main character, and something that might be a vague plot. If I can get a laptop screen by the time November starts, I may actually have a novel! In the meantime, hopefully I can figure out some way to make school happen.

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