Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Quarters

I keep trying to remind myself that everything will look different when I am not suffering a head cold; right now, the entire year looms like a threatening volcano. I have two roommates, one of whom is in the same bedroom as me, and both of whom are talkative, outgoing, and... is there a word? Normal? The girl with whom I share sleeping quarters also happens to be a morning person. Her boyfriend lives in the room directly under us. Both of them are friends with our neighbor across the hall, and a group of other folks who enjoy going out to party. My bed and desk are closer to the door. Anthropology looks like a good class - the Observer is, I'm sure, also going to be good. The rest of the world looks pretty bleak, but maybe it will be easier to handle when I have enough energy to face the world.

...okay, between the cologne and the noise I think probably I am going to have to inform my roommate that her boyfriend spending multiple hours here is Not Cool at all. This is why I was looking to grab the solo room! The two of them are okay hanging out in each other's room and I am not okay with this.

Yeah, just gonna die this year.

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